Kripafoundation Iyengar YogaTM (KFIY), addresses the Psychosomatic dimension. It has been developed by Father Joseph Pereira and Guruji B.K. Iyengar for patients undergoing treatment for Addiction and HIV AIDS. It has also been beneficial for people suffering from other illnesses
Purpose of Yoga was to “know thyself”
Iyengar Yoga, in particular, has proven to be the most effective component of the healing process. Currently known as Kripafoundation Iyengar YogaTM (KFIY) this approach has been implemented in treatment centres in more than forty nations.
Kripafoundation Iyengar YogaTM (KFIY) uses the technique of self-denial to counteract the urge for self-gratification. Kripafoundation Iyengar YogaTM (KFIY) causes a significant transformation from an ego-centered mentality to a Self-focused.
One can learn about the Antaryamin, or inner controller, which is the source of all healing, via the spirituality of Iyengar Yoga.
Like Socrates, B.K.S. Iyengar often said that the purpose of Yoga was to “know thyself”. This makes the practice not a “work out” but a “work in”.
We are eternally grateful to Guruji for gifting this essential dimension of recovery to the model of Kripa Foundation and thus giving the whole world of Addiction Recovery Centres what is now known as “Kripafoundation Iyengar YogaTM (KFIY)”.
Kripa Foundation Iyengar YogaTM (KFIY) has also been the foundation group for the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM), a Global community of meditators open to people of all faith, having as its members the Dalai Lama as well as the former Archbishop of Canterbury – Rowan Williams.
It was this practice brought by Fr. Joe who taught Lee KuanYew, the Prime Minister mentor of Singapore. He acknowledged the benefits of such a practice in his interview with New York Times.