

De-Addiction and Rehabilitation

Comprehensive programs for substance abuse treatment including detoxification, counseling, and rehabilitation.

HIV/AIDS Programs

Education, testing, treatment, and support services for individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

Community Outreach

Awareness campaigns, mobile health clinics, and community engagement to promote health and well-being.

Kripa AIDS VRACS Project

Targeted initiative in Vasai for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and support services.

Residential Care

Safe and supportive living environments for individuals undergoing treatment for addiction and HIV/AIDS.

Holistic Health Services

Incorporating yoga, meditation, spiritual support, and holistic therapies into treatment programs.

Counseling and Psychological Support

Individual and group counseling services to address mental health issues and support emotional well-being.

Family Support

Counseling and support services for families to help them cope and provide effective support.

Support Groups

Peer support groups for mutual support and shared experiences among individuals in treatment.

Vocational Training

Education and vocational training programs to enhance employability and support independent living.

Care for Children and Orphans

Programs providing care, education, and support for children affected by substance abuse and HIV/AIDS.

Nutritional Support

Balanced and nutritious meals provided to support overall health during treatment.

Aftercare and Relapse Prevention

Ongoing support and follow-up services to help individuals maintain sobriety and prevent relapse.

Research and Advocacy

Conducting research to improve treatment strategies and advocating for supportive policies and resources.

Educational Workshops

Workshops and seminars in schools, workplaces, and communities on substance abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention.

Mobile Health Clinics

Mobile units providing medical check-ups, testing, and counseling in underserved areas.

Resource Distribution

Distribution of educational materials, condoms, clean needles, and other resources for prevention.

Health and Wellness Events

Organizing events to promote healthy lifestyles and provide access to health services.

Yoga and Meditation Programs

Regular sessions to enhance physical and mental health, reduce stress, and promote mindfulness.

Capacity Building

Training for healthcare providers and community workers to improve skills in addiction and HIV/AIDS care.


Kripa Foundation offers comprehensive de-addiction services designed to help individuals overcome substance abuse and regain control of their lives.
These services are rooted in a holistic approach that addresses the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of addiction recovery.
Here are the key components of Kripa’s de-addiction services:



Medical Detoxification

Supervised withdrawal management, including the use of medications to ease symptoms and prevent complications.

Inpatient Rehabilitation

Structured residential programs providing a safe environment for recovery with daily therapy sessions and holistic practices.

Outpatient Services

Flexible treatment options allowing individuals to receive care while living at home, suitable for less severe addictions or as step-down from inpatient care.

Counseling and Therapy

Individual counseling, group therapy, and family therapy to address personal issues, build coping skills, and involve families in the recovery process.

Holistic Healing Practices

Incorporation of yoga, meditation, spiritual programs, and other holistic practices to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Education and Life Skills Training

Workshops, seminars, and life skills training to educate individuals about addiction and help them reintegrate into society.

Relapse Prevention and Aftercare

Ongoing support, regular check-ins, support groups, and personalized relapse prevention plans to maintain long-term sobriety.

Community Outreach and Advocacy

Awareness campaigns, educational programs, and partnerships with government and organizations to enhance resources and support.

Research and Development

Use of evidence-based practices, continuous evaluation, and improvement of programs to ensure effectiveness.

Non-Discriminatory Services

Inclusive care providing equal access to treatment for individuals regardless of background, religion, or socioeconomic status.


Transforming Addiction into Hope


 The Kripa Foundation’s Street Children Program provides care, education, and rehabilitation for street children. It aims to reintegrate them into society by offering shelter, basic needs, psychosocial support, and educational opportunities.



Outreach and Engagement

Street outreach teams establish trust and provide immediate assistance such as food, clothing, and medical care.

Shelter and Basic Needs

Safe and secure temporary shelter, access to nutritious meals, clean water, and hygiene facilities.

Medical Care

Regular health check-ups, treatment for illnesses and injuries, substance abuse treatment, and counseling.

Psychological Support

Individual and group counseling, specialized therapy for trauma, and access to psychiatric care.

Education and Skill Development

Formal education enrollment, non-formal education, literacy classes, and vocational training.

Social and Recreational Activities

Sports, arts, and recreational activities, and community building through peer support groups.

Family Reunification and Reintegration

Efforts to trace families, mediate reunification, support for stable home environments, foster care, and adoption.

Advocacy and Awareness

Awareness campaigns, community engagement, policy advocacy, and promoting the rights of street children.

Holistic Development Approach

Integrated care combining medical, psychological, educational, and social services for comprehensive support.


The Kripa Foundation’s Holistic Treatment program integrates medical care with yoga, meditation, and spiritual support. It aims to heal individuals physically, mentally, and spiritually, promoting overall well-being and recovery from addiction and related issues.



Medical Care

Comprehensive medical treatment including detoxification, management of withdrawal symptoms, and ongoing health monitoring.

Psychological Support

Individual and group counseling, therapy sessions, and psychiatric care to address mental health issues and emotional well-being.

Spiritual Programs

Incorporation of spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and spiritual counseling to promote inner peace and growth.

Yoga and Meditation

Regular yoga and meditation sessions to enhance physical and mental health, reduce stress, and promote mindfulness.

Nutritional Support

Balanced and nutritious meals designed to support physical health and recovery.

Recreational Activities

Activities such as sports, arts, and creative workshops to promote social interaction and overall well-being.

Education and Life Skills

Programs aimed at providing education, vocational training, and life skills to help individuals reintegrate into society and lead productive lives.

Family Involvement

Family counseling and involvement in the treatment process to build a supportive environment and address family dynamics.

Community Building

Encouraging peer support and building a sense of community among individuals in treatment through group activities and shared experiences.

Aftercare and Relapse Prevention

Ongoing support and follow-up care to help individuals maintain sobriety, including regular check-ins, support groups, and relapse prevention strategies.

Research and Evidence-Based Practices

Implementation of research-backed methods and continuous evaluation to improve treatment outcomes and effectiveness.


The Kripa Foundation’s HIV/AIDS Programs offer education, testing, treatment, and holistic care. They aim to prevent transmission, support affected individuals, and reduce stigma through community outreach and support services.



Awareness and Education

Conducting awareness campaigns and educational programs to inform the public about HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission, and treatment.

Testing and Diagnosis

Providing free and confidential HIV testing and diagnosis services to at-risk populations.

Medical Treatment

Offering antiretroviral therapy (ART) and other medical treatments to manage HIV infection and related health issues.

Counseling and Psychological Support

Providing individual and group counseling to support the mental health and emotional well-being of those living with HIV/AIDS.

Nutritional Support

Ensuring access to balanced and nutritious meals to support the overall health of individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

Holistic Care

Incorporating holistic practices such as yoga, meditation, and spiritual support to enhance the quality of life for individuals affected by HIV/AIDS.

Community Outreach

Engaging with local communities to promote HIV/AIDS awareness, reduce stigma, and encourage testing and treatment.

Support Groups

Facilitating peer support groups where individuals living with HIV/AIDS can share experiences and support each other.

Family Support

Providing counseling and support services for the families of individuals living with HIV/AIDS to help them cope and provide effective support.

Prevention Programs

Implementing programs to prevent the spread of HIV, including education on safe practices, distribution of condoms, and needle exchange programs.

Care for Children and Orphans

Providing care and support for children affected by HIV/AIDS, including orphans, through education, health care, and psychosocial support.

Research and Advocacy

Conducting research to improve HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention strategies and advocating for policies that support individuals living with HIV/AIDS.


The Kripa Foundation’s Community Outreach program educates the public on addiction and HIV/AIDS, provides mobile health services, and offers support groups. It aims to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote healthy lifestyles in underserved communities.



Awareness Campaigns

Conducting campaigns to educate the public about substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, and related issues.

Educational Workshops

Offering workshops in schools, workplaces, and communities to provide information on prevention, treatment, and healthy living.

Mobile Health Clinics

Providing mobile health services to underserved communities, including medical check-ups, testing, and counseling.

Support Groups

Facilitating peer support groups to offer emotional and psychological support to individuals and families.

Advocacy and Policy Work

Working with government agencies and other organizations to advocate for better policies and resources for substance abuse and HIV/AIDS treatment.

Community Partnerships

Collaborating with local organizations, NGOs, and community leaders to enhance program reach and effectiveness.

Volunteer Programs

Engaging volunteers in community outreach efforts to expand impact and involve the community in service activities.

Resource Distribution

Distributing educational materials, condoms, clean needles, and other resources to prevent substance abuse and the spread of HIV.

Health and Wellness Events

Organizing health fairs, wellness days, and other events to promote healthy lifestyles and provide access to services.

Counseling and Referral Services

Offering counseling services and referrals to appropriate treatment and support services for individuals and families in need.

Youth Engagement Programs

Creating programs specifically designed to engage and educate youth about the risks of substance abuse and the importance of healthy choices.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Continuously assessing the effectiveness of outreach programs to ensure they meet community needs and achieve desired outcomes.


The Kripa AIDS Project focuses on prevention, education, and treatment for HIV/AIDS. It offers testing, antiretroviral therapy, counseling, and community outreach to support affected individuals and reduce stigma.



Awareness and Education

Conducting community-based awareness campaigns to educate the public about HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission, and treatment.

HIV Testing and Diagnosis

Providing free and confidential HIV testing and diagnostic services to identify and support affected individuals.

Medical Treatment

Offering access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and other medical treatments for managing HIV/AIDS and related health issues.

Counseling and Psychological Support

Providing individual and group counseling to support the mental health and emotional well-being of individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

Nutritional Support

Ensuring that individuals living with HIV/AIDS receive balanced and nutritious meals to support their overall health.

Holistic Health Services

Incorporating holistic practices such as yoga, meditation, and spiritual support to enhance the quality of life for individuals affected by HIV/AIDS.

Support Groups

Facilitating peer support groups where individuals living with HIV/AIDS can share experiences, provide mutual support, and reduce isolation.

Family Support and Counseling

Offering counseling and support services for the families of individuals living with HIV/AIDS to help them cope and provide effective support.

Prevention Programs

Implementing prevention programs, including safe sex education, condom distribution, and needle exchange programs, to reduce the spread of HIV.

Care for Children and Orphans

Providing care, education, and psychosocial support for children affected by HIV/AIDS, including those who are orphaned.

Community Outreach

Engaging with local communities to promote HIV/AIDS awareness, reduce stigma, and encourage testing and treatment adherence.

Research and Advocacy

Conducting research to improve HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention strategies and advocating for supportive policies and resources.

Capacity Building

Training healthcare providers and community workers to improve their skills and knowledge in HIV/AIDS care and management.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Regularly assessing the impact and effectiveness of the project’s activities to ensure continuous improvement and adaptation to community needs.


Transforming Addiction into Hope


Donate to Kripa Foundation to support Comprehensive Addiction Recovery, HIV/AIDS Care, and Community Outreach Programs. Your contribution helps Transform Lives through Holistic Treatment, Education, and Vocational Training, Fostering Healthier, Self-sufficient Communities.